Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a sharps injury occurred , and did you follow up by reporting it? Unfortunately, many sharps injuries go unreported,
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Qlicksmart in 2024
2024 has been a year been filled with new additions and successes. The year began with our team growing by three additional employees – Dr Shreya Singh, Dugald

Ampoule Cuts: A Silent Threat to Healthcare Workers
Opening glass ampoules can be unnerving and can sometimes lead to cuts. Often dismissed as minor workplace hazards, ampoule cuts can pose significant risks to healthcare professionals. While

Maintain Safe Practices in the Operating Room with Qlicksmart’s Scalpel Blade Removers
Sharp injuries have always been a concern in the healthcare industry. These injuries can cause deep wounds and increase the risk of infection, particularly if the sharp object

Surgeons Are Saying “No” to Safety Scalpels
Although it has previously been thought that safety scalpels would improve sharps safety, evidence suggests this may not be the case. The term “safety scalpel” is a misnomer- there

Operating Rooms: A High Risk Environment
Operating rooms are environments with a high risk of sharps injuries due to the frequent use of needles, scalpels, and other sharp instruments during surgical procedures. Sharps injuries

Is Your Healthcare Facility Compliant with the Latest EORNA Guidelines?
According to the EORNA Best Practice for the prevention of sharps injuries, perioperative staff should make sure to reduce the risk of injuries posed by medical sharps by

The Silent Threat: Why Healthcare Workers Need Qlicksmart SnapIT Ampoule Openers
In the high-pressure world of healthcare, needles and scalpels are often the first to come to mind when considering workplace hazards. Yet, a hidden danger lurks in the